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Martedì 03 Maggio alle 14:30 presso la Sala Seminari del DM di Pisa si terrà il Seminario dei Baby-Geometri di Sabine Braun (KIT) dal titolo:
"An Introduction to Simplicial Volume"
di cui riporto l'abstract:
"The simplicial volume is a homotopy invariant of closed manifolds - defined in terms of the singular chain complex - which measures the efficiency of representing the fundamental class by singular chains. So it gives an indication of how difficult it is to triangulate the manifold in question. It was first introduced by Gromov in the early 1980's in his proof of Mostow rigidity. Despite being a topological invariant the simplicial volume of a Riemannian manifold encodes interesting information about the Riemannian volume. Next to the geometric approach simplicial volume admits a description in terms of algebraic tools via bounded cohomology. This talk is meant to be an introduction to simplicial volume. We will give the basic definitions and derive a number of elementary properties. We will state some interesting results in this subject, trying to explain why simplicial volume is useful in the investigation of the relationship between topology and geometry of manifolds."
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Nicoletta Tardini e Carlo Collari