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Giovedì 28 Aprile alle 14:30 presso la Sala Seminari del DM di Pisa si terrà il Seminario dei Baby-Geometri di Samuele Lancini (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) dal titolo:
"From cusps to asymptotically hyperbolic ends"
di cui riporto l'abstract:
"It is well known but not well shown how to replace a cusp of an hyperbolic riemann surface with an asymptotically hyperbolic end. We will see a simple proof of this fact using analytical and geometrical tools, without going into detail but keeping a mere exposure. As a corollary we'll be able to glue two hyperbolic riemann surfaces with cusps obtaining a compact hyperbolic surface whose metric is 'arbitrarily close' to the two starting metrics. It's enough to know the basic definitions of riemann surface and hyperbolic metric in order to understand this talk. The knowledge of weighted Holder spaces is not required but may help too."
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Nicoletta Tardini e Carlo Collari