Vi ricordo che il prossimo seminario di Geometria e Topologia sarà tenuto da Macarena Arenas e si terrà Giovedì 23 Gennaio alle ore 14:30 presso l'aula Riunioni.
Per gli interessati ad andare a pranzo con la speaker, l'appuntamento è in atrio alle 13:00.
Allego titolo e abstract
Titolo: Taut smoothings and shortest geodesics
Abstract: In this talk we will discuss the connection between combinatorial properties of minimally self-intersecting curves on a surface S and the geometric behaviour of geodesics on S when S is endowed with a Riemannian metric. In particular, we will explain the interplay between a smoothing, which is a type of surgery on a curve that resolves a self-intersection, and k-systoles, which are shortest geodesics having at least k self-intersections, and we will present some results that partially elucidate this interplay.
A presto,
Carlo e Filippo