Ricevo e inoltro.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 14:43:54 +0200 From: "Mondello, Gabriele" mondello@mat.uniroma1.it To: undisclosed-recipients: ; Subject: Call for 3 postdoc positions in Bologna
Dear colleague,
I am writing to inform you that a call for 1 two-year (senior) and 2 one-year (junior) post-doc positions in Mathematics at University of Bologna
has just been opened.
Deadline for applications: 21 June 2015.
Webpage (inEnglish): http://www.mathematics.unibo.it/en/calls-of-competition/starting- and-advanced-positions-in-mathematics-social-siences-and-engineering
Please feel free to forward such announcement to any potentially interested candidate.
Thank you very much and best wishes, Gabriele
-- ------------------------------- Gabriele Mondello Dipartimento di Matematica "Sapienza" Università di Roma Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 00185 Roma - Italy
Tel: (+39) 06 4991 3283 Email: mondello@mat.uniroma1.it -------------------------------