17:00-19:00, Sala Riunioni (Dip. Matematica)
Graham Denham (University West Ontario)
Intersection-theoretic characteristic polynomial formulas
The critical points of a product of powers of polynomial functions are parameterized by a "maximum likelihood variety." In the special case of linear polynomials, one can
recover the characteristic polynomial of a complex hyperplane arrangement from the homology cycle of this variety in its natural embedding. Some specializations of this result include a formula counting critical points due to Varchenko, Orlik and Terao, and a Hilbert series formula due to Solomon and Terao.
It turns out that an analogous formula also holds if one replaces the complex hyperplane arrangement complement by the reciprocal plane: i.e., the image of the complement in the complex torus under the inverse map. Using recent results of June Huh, the problem amounts to computing the Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson class of the reciprocal plane, which can be done by a deletion-restriction argument. In particular, we obtain some (apparently) new inequalities that the characteristic polynomial of a complex arrangement must satisfy. This is joint work with June Huh.
Il seminario è diviso in due parti. Una prima parte di 45 minuti, introduttiva, per permettere la partecipazione anche a non esperti o studenti degli ultimi anni e una seconda parte, sempre di 45 minuti, più avanzata.
Prossimi seminari:
ore 17-19, sala Riunioni
Ivan Marin (Université d'Amiens)
ore 17-19, sala Riunioni
Giorgia Fortuna (ETH)
ore 17-19, sala Riunioni
Alex Suciu (Northeastern University)
Stefan Papadima (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy)
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