Care tutte, cari tutti,
per il prossimo (e ultimo!) evento del ciclo dei Seminari di Analisi, giovedì 27 giugno alle ore 17, in Aula Riunioni, avremo il piacere di ascoltare Giuseppe Maria Coclite (Politecnico di Bari) che terrà un seminario<> dal titolo "Nonlinear Peridynamic Models". Trovate l'abstract qui sotto.
Segnaliamo anche il seminario MAP<> di Umberto Morellini (Université Paris Dauphine - PSL), giovedì 27 alle 11 in Aula Seminari.
A presto,
Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella
Dear all,
on Thursday 27th June at 5PM, in "Aula Riunioni", for the next (and last!) Mathematical Analysis Seminar, we will have the pleasure of listening to Giuseppe Maria Coclite (Politecnico di Bari). The title of the talk<> is "Nonlinear Peridynamic Models". Please find the abstract below.
We also note that on the same day, at 11AM in "Aula Seminari", within the MAP Seminars activity, there will be a seminar<> by Umberto Morellini (Université Paris Dauphine - PSL).
See you soon,
Ilaria Lucardesi and Luigi Forcella
Speaker: Giuseppe Maria Coclite (Politecnico di Bari)
Title: Nonlinear Peridynamic Models
Abstract: Some materials may naturally exhibit singularity phenomena such as cracks or other manifestations as a result of scale effects and long range interactions. Peridynamic theory models such behavior introducing a new nonlocal framework for the basic equations of continuum mechanics. In this lecture we consider a nonlinear peridynamic model and discuss its qualitative properties and well-posedness in suitable fractional Sobolev spaces.
Those results were obtained in collaboration with A. Coclite (Bari), N. Dimola (Milano), S. Dipierro (Perth), G. Fanizza (Casamassima), L. Lopez (Bari), F. Maddalena (Bari), S. F. Pellegrino (Bari), T. Politi (Bari), and E. Valdinoci (Perth).
Care tutte, cari tutti,
per il prossimo evento del ciclo dei Seminari di Analisi, martedì 11 giugno alle ore 17, in Aula Riunioni, avremo il piacere di ascoltare Federica Dragoni (University of Cardiff), che terrà un seminario <> dal titolo "Semiconcavity of the square distance in Carnot groups". Trovate l'abstract qui sotto.
Il seminario sarà preceduto da una merenda alle 16:45 nella stessa aula.
A presto,
Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella
Dear all,
on Tuesday 11th June at 5PM, in "Aula Riunioni", for the Mathematical Analysis Seminar, we will have the pleasure of listening to Federica Dragoni (University of Cardiff). The title of the talk<> is "Semiconcavity of the square distance in Carnot groups". Please find the abstract below.
The seminar will be preceded by a snack in the same room, starting at 4:45 PM.
See you soon,
Ilaria Lucardesi and Luigi Forcella
Speaker: Federica Dragoni (University of Cardiff)
Title: Semiconcavity of the square distance in Carnot groups
Abstract: Semiconcavity and semiconvexity are key regularity properties for functions with many applications in a broad range of mathematical subjects. The notions of semiconcavity and semiconvexity have been adapted to different geometrical contexts, in particular in sub-Riemannian structures such as Carnot groups, where they turn out to be extremely useful for the study of solutions of degenerate PDEs. In this talk I will show that, for a suitable class of Carnot groups, the Carnot-Carathéodory distance is semiconcave, in the sense of the group, in the whole space. I will also give some applications to solutions of non-coercive Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Joint work with Qing Liu and Ye Zhang from OIST (Okinawa, Japan).
Care tutte, cari tutti,
per il prossimo evento del ciclo dei Seminari di Analisi, giovedì 6 giugno alle ore 17, in Aula Seminari, avremo il piacere di ascoltare Stefano Spirito (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila), che terrà un seminario <> <> dal titolo "Finite dimensional approximation of solutions of the 2D incompressible Euler equations". Trovate l'abstract qui sotto.
A presto,
Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella
Dear all,
on Thursday 6th May at 5PM, in "Aula Seminari", for the Mathematical Analysis Seminar, we will have the pleasure of listening to Stefano Spirito (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila). The title of the talk<> is "Finite dimensional approximation of solutions of the 2D incompressible Euler equations". Please find the abstract below.
See you soon,
Ilaria Lucardesi and Luigi Forcella
Speaker: Stefano Spirito (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila)
Title: Finite dimensional approximation of solutions of the 2D incompressible Euler equations
Abstract: In this talk we consider the approximation of solutions to the 2D Euler equations via a finite dimensional Galerkin methods. In particular, we will focus on the convergence in strong norms of the velocity and the vorticity. We will study the convergence in different regularity settings, including the Yudovich class of weak solutions with bounded vorticity and we provide precise rates of convergence. We compare the results with the analogous ones available for the vanishing viscosity approximation and comment on differences and similarities. The talk is based on joint works with L.C. Berselli (University of Pisa), G. Crippa (University of Basel), and G. Ciampa (University of L'Aquila).