Care tutte, cari tutti,
vi ricordiamo il seminario di domani 10 Dicembre: "Recent Advances Concerning the Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations" (Edriss Titi, Cambridge), ore 15 in Aula Magna.
Ricordiamo inoltre i seguenti altri eventi:
* Oggi, ore 16: "Is dispersion a stabilizing or destabilizing mechanism? Landau-damping induced by fast background flows” (Edriss Titi, Cambridge), in Aula Dini (Palazzo del Castelletto - SNS) * Martedì, ore 16: Workshop on geometric and regularity aspects of hypoelliptic PDEs, in Aula Magna * Mercoledì, ore 15: “Mathematics of Turbulent Flows: A Million Dollar Problem!” (Edriss Titi, Cambridge), SNS
Annunciamo che il prossimo seminario di Analisi ci sarà giovedì 19 Dicembre, ed avremo come speaker Francesco Maggi (UT Austin). Seguiranno informazioni.
A presto,
Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella
Dear all,
we remind you of the seminar of tomorrow, 10 December: "Recent Advances Concerning the Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations" (Edriss Titi, Cambridge) at 3 PM in Aula Magna.
We also remind you of the following events:
* Today, 4 PM: "Is dispersion a stabilizing or destabilizing mechanism? Landau-damping induced by fast background flows” (Edriss Titi), in Aula Dini (Palazzo del Castelletto - SNS) * Tuesday, 4 PM: Workshop on geometric and regularity aspects of hypoelliptic PDEs, in Aula Magna * Wednesday, 3 PM: “Mathematics of Turbulent Flows: A Million Dollar Problem!” (Edriss Titi), SNS
We announce that for the next Analysis Seminar, on Thursday 19 December, the speaker will be Francesco Maggi (UT Austin). Details will follow.
Best regards,
Ilaria Lucardesi and Luigi Forcella