Care tutte, cari tutti, per il prossimo evento del ciclo dei Seminari di Analisi, il 28 Novembre 2024 alle ore 17, in Aula Riunioni, avremo il piacere di ascoltare Michele Gorini (UniPi), che terrà un seminario dal titolo “Convex integration and non-unique solutions in fluid dynamics”. Trovate l'abstract qui sotto.
A presto, Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella
Dear all, on Thursday 28 November 2024 at 5PM, in "Aula Riunioni", for the Mathematical Analysis Seminar, we will have the pleasure of listening to Michele Gorini (UniPi). The title of the talk is "Convex integration and non-unique solutions in fluid dynamics". Please find the abstract below.
See you soon, Ilaria Lucardesi and Luigi Forcella
Speaker: Michele Gorini
Title: Convex integration and non-unique solutions in fluid dynamics
Abstract: Convex integration is a powerful technique often used to prove existence and non-uniqueness of solutions to PDE systems. In this talk, after introducing the Euler and Navier-Stokes systems of fluid dynamics and the technique itself, we discuss recent results about the fractional Navier-Stokes equations obtained by convex integration.
----------- Luigi Forcella, Assistant Professor (RTD-B, tenure-track) University of Pisa Department of Mathematics Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 5 57127 Pisa, Italy