Title: Critical points at prescribed energy levels, Speaker(s): Gaetano Siciliano, Univ. San Paulo, Br, Date and time: Oct 10, 2022, 5:00 PM (Europe/Rome), Lecture series: Analysis Seminar, Venue: Dipartimento di Matematica (Sala Seminari).
You can access the full event here: https://events.dm.unipi.it/e/121
Abstract --------
In this talk, we discuss the existence of critical points for a family of abstract and smooth functionals on Banach spaces under the energy constraint. By using the Ljusternick-Schnirelmann theory and the fibering method of Pohozaev we show, under suitable assumptions, multiplicity results.The abstract framework is then applied to some partial differential equations depending on a parameter for which we obtain multiple solutions as well as some bifurcation results.
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