Care tutte e cari tutti, 

Ricordiamo il seminario di domani alle 17 in Aula Riunioni “Dynamics of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations from initial data with zero third component” di T. Barker (Bath).

Il seminario sarà preceduto da uno snack alle 16:45 nella stessa aula.

A presto,
Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella.


Deal all,

We remind you the seminar  “Dynamics of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations from initial data with zero third component” by T. Barker (Bath), tomorrow at 5p.m. in Aula Riunioni. 

There will be a snack at 4:45 pm in the same room.

Best wishes,
Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella.

Luigi Forcella, Assistant Professor (RTD-B, tenure-track)
University of Pisa
Department of Mathematics 
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 5
57127 Pisa, Italy