Care tutte, cari tutti,

Siamo felici di comunicare che la prossima settimana inizierà il ciclo di Seminari di Analisi per l’anno accademico 2024-2025.

Il primo evento sarà giovedì 3 ottobre alle ore 17:00, in Aula Riunioni, ed avremo il piacere di ascoltare Chiara Boccato (UniPi), che terrà un seminario dal titolo “Spectral properties of the interacting Bose gas”. Trovate qui sotto l’abstract.

Il seminario sarà preceduto da una merenda dalle ore 16:45 nella stessa aula.


A presto,

Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella


Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that the Analysis Seminars’ activities for the academic year 2024-2025 will start next week. 

The first event will take place on Thursday October 3rd at 5PM, in "Aula Riunioni", and we will have the pleasure of listening to Chiara Boccato (UniPi). The title of the talk is “Spectral properties of the interacting Bose gas”. Please find below the abstract.

The seminar will be preceded by a snack in the same room, starting at 4:45 PM.

See you soon,

Ilaria Lucardesi and Luigi Forcella


Speaker: Chiara Boccato (UniPi)

Title: Spectral properties of the interacting Bose gas

Abstract: The interacting Bose gas is a system composed of a very large number of quantum particles with totally symmetric wavefunction. Below a critical temperature, a phase transition to a Bose-Einstein condensate is expected to occur, and collective behavior emerges from the underlying many-body theory.

While the many-body system is described by the linear Schrödinger equation, the emergent behavior is described in terms of an effective non-linear theory. In this talk I will present results justifying the effective description of the spectrum of the many-body Hamilton operator at zero temperature. I will also discuss extensions to systems at the critical point.

This is based on joint works with C. Brennecke, S. Cenatiempo, A. Deuchert R. Seiringer, B. Schlein, and D. Stocker.