Care tutte, cari tutti,

per il prossimo (e ultimo dell'anno!) evento del ciclo dei Seminari di Analisi, il 19 dicembre alle 17:15 in Aula Magna, avremo il piacere di ascoltare Francesco Maggi (University of Texas at Austin), che terrà un seminario dal titolo “Asymptotic behavior of a diffused interface volume-preserving mean curvature flow”.  Trovate l'abstract qui sotto.

Attenzione all'orario inusuale!

A presto,
Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella

Dear all,
on Thursday December 19th at 5:15PM in Aula Magnafor the Mathematical Analysis Seminar, we will have the pleasure of listening to Francesco Maggi (University of Texas at Austin). The title of the talk is "Asymptotic behavior of a diffused interface volume-preserving mean curvature floW". Please find the abstract below.

See you soon,
Ilaria Lucardesi and Luigi Forcella


Speaker: Francesco Maggi (University of Texas at Austin)

Title: Asymptotic behavior of a diffused interface volume-preserving mean curvature flow

Abstract: We consider a diffused interface version of the volume-preserving mean curvature flow in the Euclidean space, and prove, in every dimension and under natural assumptions on the initial datum, exponential convergence towards single "diffused balls". This is a joint work with Matteo Bonforte (UA Madrid) and Daniel Restrepo (Johns Hopkins University).