Dear Colleagues,
at the University of Bochum there is one PhD position available within my group, starting from October 2013 or April 2014. Please forward the offer to interested candidates.
The field of research is Hamiltonian dynamics on finite and infinite dimensional phase spaces, and symplectic topology.
The salary will be according to the pay scale of a German public employee E 13, 75%.
For inquiries and applications please contact alberto.abbondandolo(a)
In the application please include:
- CV, including exams and notes,
- copy of the master thesis or equivalent,
- names and contact information for references.
We will accept applications until the position is filled.
Yours sincerely,
Alberto Abbondandolo
Prof. Dr. Alberto Abbondandolo
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Mathematik
Gebäude NA 4/33
D-44801 Bochum
Tel. +49 (0)234 32 23345