Giovedi' 18/11, ore 16.15 in Sala Seminari
Ivan Marin (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu)
Titolo: Cubic Hecke Algebra
Abstract: The classical link invariants known as the Alexander, Jones
and Homfly polynomials come from a quadratic finite-dimensional quotient
of the group algebra of the braid group, known as the Iwahori-Hecke
algebra of type A. The Kauffman polynomial comes from a
finite-dimensional cubic quotient of this group algebra. In 1995, L.
Funar proposed another finite-dimensional cubic quotient of this group
algebra, as the seed for a new link invariant. We prove that this
quotient actually collapses over a field of characteristic 0, but on the
contrary is very large over a field of characteristic 2, thus raising
new questions about this mysterious quotient. This is joint work with
Marc Cabanes.
(per gli interessati: scusate lo scarso preavviso, non si puo' fare che
giovedi' a quell'ora).