Although repl1ca w4tches like T4g Heuer and Patek Phil1ppe are nowadays more common than ever, most people
who would want to buy one of these, have no idea where to obtain it. Purchasing a w4tch is a decision not
to be made lightly, even if the timepiece in question is a repl1ca. It is important to make sure that the
w4tch you are buying meets the highest standards, is equipped with a powerful and reliable mechanism and
bears all the markings of its genuine counterpart. And the only place that offers unmatched quality repl1ca
w4tches and exceptional customer service is Prest1ge Repl1cas. Thats the reason why thousands of savvy
internet shoppers are turning to Prest1ge Repl1cas to get the w4tch theyve been longing for.
We Present you a US Licensed Online Pharm4cy St0re.
Huge Disc0unts for next five days!!!
Phenterm1ne - as low as $6.30
Cial1s S0ft Tabs - as low as $7.30
Amb1en - as low as $3.60
V1agra S0ft Tabs - as low as $4.10
Val1um - as low as $3.30
Cial1s - as low as $6.00
Xan4x - as low as $3.80
Merid1a - as low as $4.40
We have lightspeed delivery and respect your privacy!
Check US He4lthc4re Inc. at:
A T4g Heuer w4tch is a luxury statement on its own. Unfortunately, that luxury comes with a price...
Except when you visit Prest1ge Repl1cas, the webs most comprehensive collection of brand name repl1ca w4tches.
In Prest1ge Repl1cas, any T4g Heuer is available for just over $200.
For those of us who have always dreamed of wearing a T4g Heuer, there is no better time to make our dream
come true than this very moment, and no better place to do it, than at Prest1ge Repl1cas. Here you will find
the most prestigious repl1ca T4g Heuers, at an unbeatable price.
Come inside now... your T4g Heuer watch is waiting for you at Prest1ge Repl1cas.
----- Messaggio inoltrato da Sabrina Balestri <s.balestri(a)adm.Unipi.IT> -----
Data: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 10:11:34 +0200
Da: Sabrina Balestri <s.balestri(a)adm.Unipi.IT>
Rispondi-A:Sabrina Balestri <s.balestri(a)adm.Unipi.IT>
Oggetto: [Collegio dei direttori] Rinnovo del Programma Esecutivo di
collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica tra Italia e Argentina per gli anni
2008-2009 e bando per la presentazione dei progetti congiunti
A: collegio.direttori(a)adm.Unipi.IT
Gentili Professori,
allego la nota ministeriale relativa al rinnovo del Programma Esecutivo di
collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica tra Italia e Argentina per gli anni
2008-2009 ed il bando per la presentazione dei progetti congiunti di ricerca,
con preghiera di darne la massima diffusione presso le Strutture da voi dirette.
Con l'occasione mi preme richiamare l'attenzione dei docenti sui seguenti
A) la triplice tipologia di inziative previste dal bando, come può evincersi
anche dai documenti allegati al bando stesso:
a) presentazione di progetti di ricerca congiunti per lo scambio di ricercatori;
b)proposte di tesi sperimentali;
c) progetti di ricerca di grande rilevanza.
B) le scandenze previste dal bando:
- il responsabile italiano del progetto dovrà inviarlo, per via postale, nel
periodo dall'1 giugno all'1 agosto;
C) la raccomandazione di trasmettere copia di eventuali proposte all'Ufficio
Rapporti Internazionali.
Cordiali saluti
Sabrina Balestri
Avv. Sabrina Balestri
Responsabile Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali
Università di Pisa
Tel. 050 2212324 346 3878189
----- Fine messaggio inoltrato -----
This mail sent through IMP:
We Present you a US Licensed Online Pharm4cy St0re.
Huge Disc0unts for next five days!!!
Phenterm1ne - as low as $6.30
Cial1s S0ft Tabs - as low as $7.30
Amb1en - as low as $3.60
V1agra S0ft Tabs - as low as $4.10
Val1um - as low as $3.30
Cial1s - as low as $6.00
Xan4x - as low as $3.80
Merid1a - as low as $4.40
We have lightspeed delivery and respect your privacy!
Check US He4lthc4re Inc. at:
Although repl1ca w4tches like T4g Heuer and Patek Phil1ppe are nowadays more common than ever, most people
who would want to buy one of these, have no idea where to obtain it. Purchasing a w4tch is a decision not
to be made lightly, even if the timepiece in question is a repl1ca. It is important to make sure that the
w4tch you are buying meets the highest standards, is equipped with a powerful and reliable mechanism and
bears all the markings of its genuine counterpart. And the only place that offers unmatched quality repl1ca
w4tches and exceptional customer service is Prest1ge Repl1cas. Thats the reason why thousands of savvy
internet shoppers are turning to Prest1ge Repl1cas to get the w4tch theyve been longing for.
We Present you a US Licensed Online Pharm4cy St0re.
Huge Disc0unts for next five days!!!
Phenterm1ne - as low as $6.30
Cial1s S0ft Tabs - as low as $7.30
Amb1en - as low as $3.60
V1agra S0ft Tabs - as low as $4.10
Val1um - as low as $3.30
Cial1s - as low as $6.00
Xan4x - as low as $3.80
Merid1a - as low as $4.40
We have lightspeed delivery and respect your privacy!
Check US He4lthc4re Inc. at:
Did you watch the last 007 flick, Casino Royale? If you did, you probably noticed that all throughout the movie,
James Bond wears an spectacularly beautiful 0mega w4tch... and he even brags about it!
How would you like to be wearing that same exact model w4tch? The good news is that YOU can!
Because now, you dont have to spend thousands of dollars to sport an 0mega w4tch! When you visit Prest1ge Repl1cas,
you will be able to browse through dozens of 0mega repl1ca w4tches, and pick the one of your dreams for just a
couple of hundred dollars. Our watches are of such undeniably high quality, and offer such superior performance,
that youll fall in love with them, and whats best: stay in love with them for years to come! Come inside
Prest1ge Repl1cas and pick your new 0mega today!
We have everything you need: Phenterm1ne, Cial1s S0ft T4bs, V1agra
S0ft T4bs, Cial1s, V1agra, Lev1tra, Propec1a, Val1um, Xan4x, Amb1en,
Zyb4n, Atar4x, At1van, Car1soma, Ultr4m, Glucoph4ge,
Lip1tor, Mer1dia, Zoc0r, N0rvasc.
We respect your privacy - we guarantee you a total
anonymity of your 0rder.
Visit US He4lthc4re Inc. online at: