Begin forwarded message:From: "romain dujardin [complexanalysisanddynamics]" <>Subject: [complexanalysisanddynamics] post-doc announcementDate: 22 aprile 2015 14:50:01 CESTReply-To: romain dujardin <>Dear colleagues,
One post-doc position will be available for the academic year 2015/2016 funded by the ANR LAMBDA project, starting September 1st or October 1st, 2015. It is open to candidates working in holomorphic dynamics and related fields. The geographic location of the position will be Paris-Marne la Vallée or Toulouse, depending on the scientific profile and the research project. There are no teaching duties and the net salary is about €2200 per month.
The application file consists of:
a complete CV including a description of previous work; a research project describing the interaction with the research themes of the project; at least one letter of recommendation (which should be sent separately, directly by the recommending person)Candidates must submit their application by emailing the files to Romain Dujardin ( AND Xavier Buff ( Don't hesitate to contact us for additional information.
Best regards,Romain Dujardin__._,_.___
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