---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: "Massimo Fornasier" <massimo.fornasier@ma.tum.de>
Data: 23 feb 2016 6:26 PM
Oggetto: 1 Doctoral position at Faculty of Mathematics of the Technical University of Munich - Project " Identification of parametric energy functionals from linearly constrained evolutions of critical points"
A: "Massimo Fornasier" <massimo.fornasier@ma.tum.de>

Dear Colleague,

������ I am opening 1 Doctoral position for a term of up to 3 years at the Department of Mathematics of the
Technical University of Munich in Germany, within the framework of our International Graduate Program
"Optimization and Numerical Analysis of PDE with Nonsmooth Structures" (https://igdk1754.ma.tum.de/IGDK1754/WebHome).

Applicants should hold a master's degree in mathematics or related areas with a strong background in two of the fields of numerics, optimization, or analysis. Applicants are asked to submit to me anytime soon a curriculum vitae, copies of certifications of academic qualifications held, a copy of a degree thesis or of a peer-reviewed publication (if available) and two letters of recommendation. Additionally, the candidates are asked to inform themselves beforehand about the specific project


I would kindly ask you to forward this invitation for application to interested candidates.

I thank you for your kind attention and cooperation, and I apologize for possible multiple

Best regards and wishes

Massimo Fornasier