Per i Seminari organizzati dalla Scuola di dottorato in Scienze di Base Galileo Galilei  
oggi 21 giugno alle ore 15:30 presso l'Aula Magna Faedo del Dipartimento di Matematica ''L. Tonelli''
il prof. S. Muthukrishnan (Rutgers e AT&T Research Labs) interverra' sul tema:

''Solving problems with hardly a look at the data''.

Computer Science now faces the challenge that in a few important applications, data is generated extremely rapidly and we need to compute on such "data streams". We have hardly the time to look at each data item and certainly no space to store all the items we see. A typical application is analyzing the traffic that is sent on the Internet. Other applications are in analyzing atmospheric observations, locations of moving objects through sensors, etc.
This calls for new algorithmic design techniques, novel mathematical tools as well as systems that uncharacteristically rely on probabilistic and approximate guarantees. This also calls for collaboration among mathematicians, researchers in different areas of Computer Science and scientists at large. In this talk, I will present an overview of some of the solutions we have developed for handling data streams.

The talk will be a discourse through puzzles, mathematics, algorithms, art, science, systems and engineering that impinge on data stream processing.

Dr. M. Pia Sanvito
Scuola di Dottorato Galileo Galilei
Galilei School of Graduate Studies
c/o Dipt.di Matematica ''L. Tonelli''
via F. Buonarroti, 2
Pisa I-56127 
tel. +39 050 2213285
fax +39 050 2213292