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From: Centro De Giorgi <>
Date: 24 luglio 2012 16.40.48 GMT+02.00
To: Centro Ricerca Matematica <>
Subject: Centro De Giorgi --- Summer School of Mathematics for Economics and Social Sciences --- September 17-21 2012

On behalf of the organisers we are sending attached hereto the announcement of the "Summer School of Mathematics for Economics and Social Sciences" that will be held in San Miniato (Italy) from 17th to 21st September 2012.

Scientific Committee: Giulio Bottazzi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna), Giorgio Fagiolo (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna), Davide Fiaschi (Università di Pisa), Stefano Marmi (Scuola Normale Superiore)

Web page: 

The participation is subject to a selection. Deadline for the application: 5 August 2012.

Thank you in advance for your attention and collaboration.
With kindest regards, 

Centro De Giorgi Secretariat

Scuola Normale Superiore
Centro di Ricerca Matematica
Ennio De Giorgi
Palazzo Puteano
Piazza dei Cavalieri 3
56100 PISA
fax +39 050 509177