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Begin forwarded message:

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: RA job: statistical image processing
Data: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:21:16 +0100
Mittente: James Nelson <>
I would be most grateful if you could be so kind as to forward the 
following details of a postdoctoral RA job opportunity at the Department 
of Statistical Science, University College London, to your post-docs and 
final-year PhD students.

Please note the closing date is imminent.

Kind regards,

Dr. James Nelson
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Department of Statistical Science
University College London

Research Associate in Statistical Image Processing - Ref:1430209

Salary: £33,353 - £40,313 per annum
Duration of post: 12 months in the first instance
Closing date: 23rd September 2014 Project:
Start date: October/November 2014 or soon thereafter.

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research associate position
in the Department of Statistical Science at University College London,

This DSTL-funded project will exploit exciting recent developments in
statistical image processing to advance current understanding of how 
relational and contextual aspects of image data can contribute to tasks 
such as detection, classification, and segmentation.

The project will address the current need to progress new
spatial-statistical models and computer-aided approaches that have the
capability to capture both the rich statistical, and structural,
interdependencies present in complicated image data sets. The work
will draw a wealth of recent concepts in statistical image processing 
that attempt to describe both correlatory and relational interactions of 
heterogeneous data over, and between, multiple scales. Synthetic 
aperture sonar imagery will be of particular interest but the RA will 
also be encouraged to suggest other timely and interesting data and 

Of some interest to this project is the use and development of
graphs/graphlets, random fields, stochastic geometry, hierarchical 
representations, or multiresolution analyses to model the dependencies 
between key constituent parts of image data. It is hoped that a somewhat 
more comprehensive, relational, description of the data will facilitate 
better, and more robust, detection and segmentation. The post-holder 
will have an interest in one or more of these (or allied) areas along 
with experience of some of the associated inferential/estimation 
machinery. Good programming skills in Matlab, R, Python, and/or C/C++ 
are essential.

It is anticipated that the project will afford the opportunity for the
post-holder to enjoy some collaboration with Dstl and the University of 
Cambridge. There will be ample opportunities for interaction with the 
immediate research group which currently comprises:

. one other research associate and three Phd students funded by Dstl
. one EPSRC-funded research associate
. two other Phd students funded by an ASTAR/UCL joint-scheme

The post comes with a generous travel and research expenses budget and
is funded for 12 months in the first instance.

* How to Apply
To apply for the vacancy please click on the "Apply Now" button at:

Informal enquiries regarding the vacancy are welcomed and may be
addressed to Dr James Nelson. See below links for contact details.

Dr. James Nelson
Senior Lecturer
Department of Statistical Science
University College London


Marco Abate                               Tel: +39/050/2213.230
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