Per vs conoscenza.

---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: "Mauro Petrucci" <>
Data: 04 mar 2016 8:40 AM
Oggetto: [Gncs] Annuncio Workshop INdAM
A: <>, <>, <>, <>

Dear Colleague,
this is the first announcement of the INdAM Workshop

��������������������"Innovative Algorithms and Analysis"

which will be held in Rome, Italy, from May 17 to 20, 2016 at the at
���Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica��� (INDAM), Piazzale Aldo Moro,
5, Rome (Italy)

The workshop, organized under the sponsorship of the Istituto
Nazionale di Alta Matematica, in collaboration with the Istituto delle
Applicazioni del Calcolo of the Italian National Research Council,
aims at bringing altogether skilled European researchers in both
Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Computing fields, both belonging
to various modern Applied Mathematics areas, in order to promote both
interdisciplinarity and complementary expertise.

On the one (analytical) hand, a markedly important question is raised
by recent ill-posedness results for multi-dimensional (2D) hyperbolic
systems of balance laws. Another (related) point is the study of
hyperbolic systems posed on smooth manifolds, some of which, mostly
multi-D, can be relevant for General Relativistic models.
On the other (computati onal) hand, pseudo-inverse numerical methods
were successfully applied to 1D fourth-order diffusion equations.
Novel derivations of well-balanced schemes (along with 2D extensions)
were proposed for linear kinetic equations, to compare with methods
based on Case���s solutions methods.

Other areas of application may be considered, too: for instance
mathematical biology, aggregate���s dynamics, and car/pedestrian traffic

A preliminary list of speakers include:
Debora Amadori, Donato Bini, Vincent Calvez, Elisabetta Chiodaroli,
Cleopatra Christoforou, Bruno Depr��s, Thierry Foglizzo, Roger K��ppeli,
Marc Laforest , Silvia Lorenzani , Daniel Matthes, Nils Risebro,
Nicolas Vauchelet , Enrique Zuazua.

No registration fee is required, but please visit the conference
webpage and register before April 30:

Attached to this e-mail you can also find th e poster of the conference.

We are looking forward to meet you in Rome.

Best Regards,

The scientific committee
Laurent Gosse and Roberto Natalini

Roberto Natalini, Ph.D.
Direttore dell'Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone",
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
via dei Taurini 19, 00185 Roma (Italy)
Mobile:+39-3336212987; skype: robbi60

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