Il dott. Adrian Wallwork terra' un corso di 5 lezioni sul tema
Writing Scientific Articles in English
e di cui accludo il programma in fondo al mail.
Il primo seminario si terra' nell' Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Matematica
lunedi' 17 p.v. dalle 17 alle 19.
Gli altri quattro seminari sono programmati per i lunedi' successivi alla stessa ora, ma durante il primo incontro potra' essere discusso un orario alternativo se qualcuno degli interessati lo proporra'.
I seminari sono organizzati dalla Scuola "Galilei" e destinati anzitutto ai dottorandi. Sono aperti ad altri (docenti, ricercatori, assegnisti, borsisti) interessati con l'intesa che se sorgessero conflitti di spazio (l'Aula Magna del Dipartimento di Matematica ha un centinaio di posti) la precedenza debba essere dei dottorandi.
Cordiali saluti Fabrizio Broglia
+++++++++++++ + PROGRAMMA + +++++++++++++
The course will cover both scientific writing and related correspondence with editors and referees. There will be a total of 10 hours divided into five 2-hour seminars (extra seminars can be organized if necessary). The sessions will be as interactive as possible in order to give participants some practical experience. All the seminars should be of interest to Phd students; and Seminars 2-5 should also be of interest to other researchers, lecturers, and professors.
Seminar 1 Introduction: How different are English and Italian? Writing style 1: choosing the right title, structuring the paper (Abstract, Introduction etc); use of numbers, bullets, captions, references etc) Grammar 1: tenses used in various parts of the paper (ie use of present simple, past simple and present perfect)
Seminar 2 Writing style 2: word order, avoiding ambiguity, punctuation (eg semicolon vs full stop) Grammar 2: active vs passive, modals (eg can vs may), the gerund, the infinitive, that vs which
Seminar 3 Writing style 3: being concise and avoiding redundancy, linking sentences, English preference for verbs rather than nouns Grammar: definite article, determiners, countable vs uncountable, prepositions, comparisons Vocabulary: typical mistakes (eg like vs as, consistent vs substantial, also vs too)
Seminar 4 Grammar and vocabulary: any questions left over from previous workshops Analysis of a complete paper
Seminar 5 Correspondence: emails, letters to the editor, reporting changes made after refereeâs reports etc. Short written test on all aspects covered in the seminars. Correction of test.