e' colpa mia se non capisco come si annuncia un workshop nel notiziario (ci sono delle regole
particolari per cui i conferenzieri vanno annunciati nelle note).
Tra l'altro, l'indirizzo di riferimento del dipartimento di matematica aveva "ot" invec di "it".
Ma, a parte le comunicazioni automatiche, desidero mettervi a parte del vero
programma del workshop in occasione del 70-esimo compleanno di Carlo Viola..
Mi scuso se non vi e' arrivato come avrei desiderato. Per me e' un modo inconsueto di
segnalare seminari e mi e' stato difficile avere assistenza visto che parte del
personale e' in vacanza. .
Vi allego dunque questo messaggio,
che parla del vero programma del workshop.
Spero di poterlo riannunciare ufficialmente la prossima settimana,
ma intanto mi accontento cosi'.
Roberto Dvornicich
Dear friends, I send you a preliminary schedule of the organization of the conference in honour of Carlo Viola, to be held on April 10, 2013. The location of the conference is Aula Magna, Department of Mathematics, Largo Pontecorvo, 5 56127 PISA (Italy) The schedule: 9:30-9:35: Roberto Dvornicich - Welcoming address. 9:35-9.50: Georges Rhin - A short summary of Viola's work. 10:00-11.00: Francesco Amoroso - "On the contribution of Carlo Viola to the Thue-Siegel-Dyson method" 11:.00-11.30: Coffee break. 11:30-12:30: Yuri Nesterenko - "The irrationalily measures of classical constants". Break for lunch 15:00-16:00: Tanguy Rivoal - "Padé approximants of the exponential and logarithmic functions". 16:00-16:30: Coffee break. 16:30-17:30: Raffaele Marcovecchio - "Legendre-type polynomials and Euler-type multiple integrals with Diophantine applications." 17:30-20.00: free time. 20:00-?? : social dinner. We are prepared for talks with the use of a computer file, overhead projector or normal blackboard. For your convenience, I append after this message the abstracts of the talks. Please let me know if you have any problems with this schedule. Roberto Dvornicich ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstracts Francesco Amoroso: In this talk we introduce the notion of irrationality measure and we describe the main lines of the so-called Thue-Siegel-Dyson method. We highlight the new features of Viola's version of Dyson's lemma, some of its applications to the problem of finding effective irrationality measures of algebraic numbers and its influence to Voyta's proof of Mordell's conjecture. Yuri Nesterenko: I plan to give a survey of results and methoda about rational approximations of $\log 2$, $\log 3$. $\pi$. Catalan constant and other numbers. Tanguy Rivoal: In this talk, I will present new double integrals of hypergeometric type that enable me to construct explicit simultaneous Padé type approximations to the functions log(1-z) and exp(z), for instance. These integrals depend on many parameters and have a connexion with the mutiples integrals used by Rhin and Viola to get the best irrationality measures for $\zeta(2)$ and $\zeta(3)$. Raffaele Marcovecchio: The two objects of my topic, i.e. Legendre-type polynomials with the divisibility properties of their coefficients, and Euler-type multiple integrals with their symmetry properties, are major tools in the study of Diophantine approximations to classical constants. They have been mostly considered separately in the present literature. In my talk I try to propose a somehow unified approach, which I believe might lead to new results. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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