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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Postdoc position in Loughborough
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2015 13:18:03 +0000
From: Claudia Garetto <>
To: Alberto Parmeggiani <>, "<>" <>, Sergio Spagnolo <>, reissig Michael <>, Michael Ruzhansky <>, "T. Gramtchev" <>

Dear all,

my university has just published the advertisement for a 15 month postdoc position related to my EPSRC grant   

"Hyperbolic systems with multiplicities".

I am looking for a postdoc with experience in doing research in analysis willing to work with me on weakly hyperbolic equations and systems.
Please, see the application link

Can I kindly ask you to forward this email to any interested candidates?
The job will need to start on the first of October 2015. It's a pure research position without teaching or administrative duties.
Deadline: 24/04/2015

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best wishes,
