Inoltro per conoscenza il bando per un assegno di ricerca a Roma Tre su
"Analytic and geometric methods for the study of nonlinear differential problems".



Dear Colleagues,

The Department of Mathematics and Physics at Roma Tre University is advertising a post-doctoral research fellowship entitled: 

"Analytic and geometric methods for the study of nonlinear differential problems".

The position is for one year (possibly renewable for a second one) and the annual value of the research grant amounts to 22.820 Euro, before taxes, payed on  monthly basis.

We would be grateful if could help us circulate this information among interested people. 

Perspective candidates are requested to submit (via regular mail):
- a curriculum vitae, 
- a list of publications and preprints (including links to pdf files),
- a research project, 
- the names and contacts of three recommenders.

Applications should be sent to:

"Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tre - Area Affari Generali - via Ostiense, 159 - 00154 Rome, Italy"

and must be received by 12th December 2014

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in January (interviews via Skype are a possible option). 

More details can be found here (see also the attached file):

We regret that the notice is written only in italian. However, non-italian applicants could have a look at this similar announcement for a research fellowship in engineering: 

At any rate, we make ourselves available to help non-italian candidates to prepare and submit their application.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question or need any kind of help.

With best regards,

Ugo Bessi (Roma 3)
Luca Biasco (Roma 3)
Luigi Chierchia (Roma 3)
Pierpaolo Esposito (Roma 3)
Alfonso Sorrentino (Roma 2)
