
trasmetto per conoscenza (per chi vuole giocare, sembra siano in palio 2000 euro…).


Begin forwarded message:

From: SCM SA <>
Subject: Mathematical Competitive Game
Date: 04 novembre 2014 11:35:13 CET

HTML Message
Dear Sir, dear Madam, dear Colleagues,

Our 6th Competitive Game, organized jointly with the French Federation of Mathematical Games, has started. The game is endowed with 2 000 Euros for prizes.

The topic for this year is "Uncertainties in GPS Positioning", in partnership with:

The French Institute for Transportation Science and Technology,
Geolocalisation Team (IFSTTAR/CoSys/Geoloc)


The French Ministry of Transportation, Mission for Tarification Pricing

Please see: (in English)

All data are included in the above file.

The deadline for answers is April 30th, 2015. Answers may be sent in English or in French, pdf format.

Please inform your colleagues, students, friends, about this game.

Best regards,

Prof. Bernard Beauzamy
Chairman and CEO
Societe de Calcul Mathematique SA
111 Faubourg Saint Honore, 75008 Paris, France
Faubourg Saint Honore, 75008 Paris, France