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Subject: [complexanalysisanddynamics] Research Specialist (post-doc) in Mathematics at the University of Iceland
Date: 03 dicembre 2013 08:47:37 CET

 Dear all.

There are now two research specialist positions available at the University of Iceland:

Applications are invited for two posts of Research Specialist in the mathematics division. The appointee is expected to conduct research in mathematics or mathematical physics. Teaching is not a mandatory part of the post. The appointee participation in teaching is a matter of agreement and teaching will only be a small part of the workload. The appointment is temporary for two years from the 1st of August 2014, or otherwise according to agreement, with a possibility of an extension of one year.

The appointee must have completed their doctorate in mathematics or mathematical physics at the commencement of the appointment. Good communication skills are also required. It is desirable that no more than five years have elapsed from the appointee’s completion of a doctorate to the commencement of the appointment. It will be taken into consideration how well the applicant's research fits with the research areas of the permanent members of the mathematics division. (In particular commutative algebra, group theory, complex analysis, PDE's, probability theory and mathematical physics)

The State Universities Act no. 85/2008 and the Regulations of the University of Iceland no. 569/2009 govern the appointment process.

Applications should be submitted in electronic form to the e-mail address reference nr. HI13110079. Applicants should submit with their applications a thorough account of their scientific activities, publications and research, as well as certifications of their education and previous employment. Applications and supporting material that are submitted by other means than electronically should be sent in duplicate to the Division of Science and Research, University of Iceland, Sæmundargötu 2, 101 Reykjavík. Applicants should specify what projects they have worked on, what they currently work on and what plans they have for future projects should they be appointed. The applicants should arrange that 2-3 qualified persons in the same field as the applicant send references to the e-mail address addressing the applicants education and the scientific merits of their work. In addition applicants can, if they choose, enclose references for their teaching and administrative experience as appropriate.

Salaries are according to the wage agreement between the Union of University Teachers and the Ministry of Finance. The University of Iceland applies its equal opportunities policy to all appointments.

The deadline for applications is 13th of January 2014.

All applications will be answered and applicants informed of the decision when taken.

For further information contact the Head of Mathematics Division, Professor Rögnvaldur G. Möller,

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