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Opening of the third call for applications for the Poincaré Chair (2016/2017)

Henri Poincaré Institute (Paris 5th)


The Poincaré chair offers young promising researchers ideal working conditions to develop their audacious research projects and base their international recognition.


The Henri Poincaré Institute (IHP, Paris 5th) is inviting applications for the Poincaré Chair, a programme that enables exceptionally talented young mathematicians to make the most of their qualities thanks to excellent working conditions. The Poincaré Chair owes its establishment, and its funding for the next four years, to the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI, Providence, Rhode Island) and the prize money it awarded for the resolution of the Poincaré Conjecture.


Jason Miller, professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and Daniel Wise, professor at the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, McGill University (Montreal, Canada) are the two laureates and will hold the position in the 2015/2016 academic year. These two young scientists are thus given a great opportunity to consolidate their brilliant early-career, just as in 1993 the celebrated Grigori Perelman was offered the support of a chair at the Miller Institute in Berkeley (...)




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Institut Henri Poincaré - 11 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris
Tel : 01 44 27 67 92



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