BCAM: International Call for researchers' positions

Dear friend and colleague,

BCAM the newly created Basque Center for Applied Mathematics has just opened an International Call, with the aim of appointing RESEARCHERS on a temporary or permanent basis, in order to carry out research in mathematics, with special emphasis on applied and cross-disciplinary areas. 

In particular, we are appointing positions for:


  • Partial differential equations, numerics and control
  • Multiphysics, inversion, and petroleum
  • Networks
  • Calculus of variations and elasticity
  • Mathematical biology

And SENIOR RESEARCHERS to develop and lead new research lines.

The details for this call can be found at our website:  http://www.bcamath.org/joboffers

Applications must be submitted on-line.  More information on the research lines of BCAM can be found at:  http://www.bcamath.org

We kindly ask you to circulate this notice as widely as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or to require additional information. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Enrique Zuazua
Scientific Director

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