Le e-news di marzo dell'EMS. r

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From: EMS Office <ems-office@helsinki.fi>
Date: 2016-03-07 11:25 GMT+01:00
Subject: EMS e-News 18, February 2016


EMS e-News 18, February 2016


- The Executive Committee meeting
The Executive Committee will meet on March 18-20 at the Mittag-Leffler Institute. At the top of the agenda will be preparation for the Council meeting this summer, prior to the Congress in Berlin.

- The Council is approaching
The EMS supreme authority, the Council, will convene on July 16-17 in Berlin. There will be much to discuss, most importantly the choice of the site of the next European Congress in 2020, and the renewal of the Executive Committee (EC). Members are encouraged to nominate candidates who could stand to fill vacancies in the EC.

- The Presidents Meeting
The annual meeting of Presidents of EMS member societies is scheduled for April 2-3 in Budapest. This has become an important forum for exchanging views about issues in the societies��� lives. All the Presidents will be heartily welcome.

- Simons Foundation helping the Africans

The EMS expresses its gratitude to the Simons Foundation which has offered a substantial sum to support young African mathematicians. The Committee for Developing Countries is working on concrete proposals for its use.

- Open consultation on Mathematics for Horizon 2020

The European Commission is holding an open consultation on mathematics funding within the HORIZON 2020 programme. The EMS encourages its members (societies and individuals) to take up the challenge and help give mathematicians better options for future applications. The consultation will stay open till 30 April 2016.

������������ 7ECM at glance

The quadrennial congress of the European Mathematical Society will take place from July 18 ��� 22, 2016 at the Technische Universit��t Berlin.

Scientific Program
There will be 10 Plenary Lectures, 31 Invited Lectures, several Prize Lectures (10 EMS Prizes, the Otto Neugebauer Prize, and the Felix Klein Prize). 43 mini-symposia proposals have been accepted.

Special Lectures and sessions
- Endre Szemer��di (Alfr��d R��nyi Institute of Mathematics) will deliver the Abel Lecture.
- Don Zagier (Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn) will deliver the Friedrich Hirzebruch Lecture.
- Peter Scholze (Universit��t Bonn), will give a talk for a broad audience, particularly directed towards high school students.
- The Public Lecture on ���Mathematics in Modern Architecture��� by Helmut Pottmann (Technische Universit��t Wien) is open for everyone with an interest in mathematics.
- A dedicated History Session with lectures on Leibniz, Lagrange, Euler and Weierstra�� will highlight the mathematical history of Berlin.

European Women in Mathematics
The association European Women in Mathematics (EWM), jointly with the EMS Women in Mathematics Committee, is organizing a special event to celebrate female excellence in mathematics in Europe.

The 7ECM is complemented by a MathFilm Festival - an international competition for films and videos about mathematics ��� organized by Konrad Polthier.

For the time of the congress the interactive touring exhibition IMAGINARY will be presented at the main building of TU Berlin (Lichthof).

For up-to-date information please subscribe the ECM newsletter:

���������� News from EMS Member Societies

* Caucasian Mathematical Conference (CMC)

The second Caucasian Mathematics Conference will be organized in Van, Turkey, on 25-26 August 2016 under the auspices of the EMS, with the cooperation of the Armenian, Azerbaijan, Georgian, Iranian, Russian and Turkish Mathematical Societies. The aim of the CMC is to bring together mathematicians from Caucasian and neighbouring countries biannually. The CMC is partially supported by the EMS and welcomes mathematicians from around the world.

* Cyprus Mathematical Society
SEEMOUS 2016 : The South-Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad for University Students is planned for 1-6 March 2016 in Cyprus.

* French Mathematical Society (SMF)
The first national Congress of the SMF will take place in Tours (France) on 6-10 June 2016

* Irish Mathematical Society (IMS)
- The 2016 meeting of the Irish Mathematical Society will take place on April 15-16 in Trinity College Dublin and marks the 40th anniversary of our��founding. Details at��
- The IMS now tweets at @irishmathsoc

* Italian Mathematical Union
The first Joint Meeting Brazil - Italy (Rio de Janeiro, 29/8-2/9, 2016)

The complete scientific program of the conference is now available online. Registration will be open soon. The participation of young mathematicians (post-docs and final stage PhD students) is particularly welcome.

* Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia
-The VI Congress of Mathematicians of Macedonia will be held on June 15-18, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. Organized by the Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia, the Congress will include plenary lectures, short communications and poster sessions:

- The International Conference on Topology and its Applications (ICTA 2016), dedicated to Professor Nikita Shekutkovski on his 60th birthday, will be held 18-22 September 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. This conference is devoted to all branches of Topology, including shape and homotopy, topological dynamics, continuum theory, and general topology:


* Royal Spanish Mathematical Society (RSME)
- Mathematics Research Award Vicent Caselles RSME-BBVA 2016:
The RSME, with the BBVA Foundation, has opened the call for the second edition of the Mathematics Research Award 'Vicent Caselles'. Six awards will be granted to young researchers in mathematics, each carrying a gross cash prize of 2,000 euros.��

- 2nd joint Conference of the Belgian, Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies. The second edition of this joint conference will take place in Logro��o (Spain) in 6-8 June.

* Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SeMA) The Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics has opened the 2016 competitions for its Prize to Young Researchers (Antonio Valle's Prize) and SeMA Journal best paper award for the best paper published in the SEMA Journal in 2016.


News from EMS Committees

* Applied mathematics Committee
List of 2016 EMS Summer Schools in applied mathematics (ESSAM)

1. ESSAM School on "Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing"
May 29th - June 3rd, 2016, in Kacov (Czech Republic).
2. EMS-ESMTB Summer School ���Mathematical Modelling of Tissue Mechanics���
July 25th - July 29th, 2016, in Leiden (The Nederlands).
3. EMS-ESMTB Summer School ���The Helsinki Summer School on Mathematical Ecology and Evolution 2016: Structured Populations���, August 21 - August 28, 2016 at the Linnasm��ki Congress Centre in Turku (Finland).
4. European Summer School in "Modelling, Analysis and Simulation:����Crime and Image Processing"
July 4th - July 8th, 2016, in Oxford (UK).

More information on:

* Committee for Developing Countries (CDC)
Emerging Regional Centres of Excellence (EMS-ERCE) European Mathematical Society .
In 2011, under the Committee���s recommendation, the EMS began the scheme ���Emerging Regional Centres of Excellence��� (ERCE) whose goal is to identify and support institutions in the developing world that can improve the scientific level in their region, by training students from less developed countries nearby and providing opportunities for visiting scholars. Since 2011, several institutions have been awarded this title.
The latest call closed on February 28th 2016. So far, the ERCE centres have reported a diversified and positive experience from gaining this title. Any institute interested in the ERCE label is welcome to contact a member of the ERCE committee: Giulia Di Nunno (Oslo); Anna Fino (Torino); Paul Vaderlind (Stockholm) ; Begona Vitoriano (Madrid).

* Ethics Committee
Adolfo Quir��s (Universidad Aut��noma de Madrid) is the new Chair of the EMS Ethics Committee. The previous Chair, Arne Jensen (Aalborg University), will continue to serve as member. Edita Pelantov�� (Czech Technical University in Prague) and Dirk Werner (Freie Universit��t Berlin) have joined the Committee, replacing Graziano Gentili (Universit�� di Firenze) and Radu Gologan (Romanian Academy of Sciences).
The next meeting of the Ethics Committee will take place in Warsaw 4-7 March, 2016.

* Raising Public Awareness Committee (RPAC)

The Diderot Mathematical Forum 2016 "Biomedical Applications of Mathematics" will be held in Paris, Madrid, & Milan on March 15, 2016, organized by the Raising Public Committee of the European Mathematical
Society (Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Silvia Benvenuti, Roberto Natalini (Chair))


EMS Newsletter, No. 99 (March 2016)

The Newsletter No. 99 is now online:

It contains several mathematical surveys, including a homage to Pierre Dolbeault and an article on Mercator's planisphere. The Young Mathematicians Column (YMCo) will tell you all about the difficulties of being a mum and a post-doc (whilst keeping a sense of humour).
Our society column is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the LMS, with a special focus on its art exhibition.

Social Media
Keep up with the EMS and its Newsletter on social media:
Google Plus:��https://plus.google.com/u/0/+EuromathsocEurope



Recent books:

Henri Paul de Saint-Gervais,
Uniformization of Riemann Surfaces - Revisiting a hundred-year-old theorem

Athanase Papadopoulos (ed.),
Handbook of Teichm��ller Theory, Volume V.

Takashi Shioya,
Metric Measure Geometry - Gromov���s Theory of Convergence and Concentration of Metrics and Measures

Kathrin Bringmann, Yann Bugeaud, Titus Hilberdink, and J��rgen Sander, Four Faces of Number Theory

For more information about our Publishing House, see��



For questions, comments or suggestions about the e-News, please contact Professor Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Universit�� Paris Descartes, Editor of the EMS E-News.

e-mail: Mireille.Chaleyat-Maurel@math-info.univ-paris5.fr

Roberto Natalini, Ph.D.
Direttore dell'Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "M. Picone",
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
via dei Taurini 19, 00185 Roma (Italy)
Ph.:+39-0649270961 (CNR); Fax:+39-064404306,
Mobile:+39-3336212987; skype: robbi60
WEB PAGE: http://www.iac.rm.cnr.it/~natalini/
Board member of Letters in Biomathematics: http://tandfonline.com/tlib