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From: <phdapplications@imtlucca.it>
Date: 2013/4/23
To: info@dm.unipi.it

We are pleased to inform you about the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca call for applications for PhD positions in the following areas
Si informa che � aperto il nuovo bando di selezione per l'accesso al Programma di Dottorato di IMT Alti Studi Lucca per i seguenti indirizzi tematici/curricula di specializzazione:

  • Computer, Decision, and Systems Science
    • Computer Science
    • Control Systems
    • Image Analysis
    • Management Science
  • Economics
  • Management and Development of Cultural Heritage
  • Political History
  • No tuition fees, free room and access to IMT Canteen
    Esenzione dalle tasse d'iscrizione, alloggio gratuito, accesso gratuito alla mensa IMT
  • A grant of �13,630 gross/year
    Importo lordo della borsa: �13.630/anno

DEADLINE: July 17th, 2013

Learn more about the PhD program by participating in our interactive webinar. Go to http://brightrecruits.com/webinars/ to sign up.
Per maggiori informazioni sul programma di dottorato � possibile partecipare al webinar interattivo. Per aderire: http://brightrecruits.com/webinars/

IMT Lucca (www.imtlucca.it) is a research university within the Italian public higher education system. IMT's mission is to establish itself as a research center that promotes cutting-edge research in key areas, structuring its PhD program in close connection with research, to attract top students, researchers and scholars through competitive international selections, and to contribute to technological innovation, economic growth and social development.
IMT Lucca (www.imtlucca.it) � un istituto universitario statale a ordinamento speciale. La missione di IMT � quella di affermarsi come centro di ricerca che promuove ricerca innovativa in settori chiave, di attrarre i migliori studenti, ricercatori e studiosi attraverso selezioni competitive a livello internazionale, e di contribuire all'innovazione tecnologica, alla crescita economica e allo sviluppo sociale.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn.

Please note that this account is used for outgoing e-mails only, and therefore your reply message will not be read. For inquiries regarding the 2013/14 IMT PhD call, please write to phdapplications@imtlucca.it.

Research, Planning and Organization Office
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca
Piazza San Ponziano 6, 55100 Lucca - Italy
Tel: +39 0583 4326 745, fax: +39 0583 4326 565