Inoltro avviso, saluti, Carlo
---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: segnalazione scuola estiva per studenti interessati di corsi di laurea e di dottorato From: "Carmine Di Fiore" Date: Sat, March 12, 2016 4:51 pm To: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gentile Prof. Carlo Petronio ( ,, Direttore del Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' Pisa, ti segnalo la scuola estiva Rome-Moscow school on Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra 2016 (, organizzata nell'ambito di un accordo di collaborazione didattico-scientifica tra le Universita' Lomonosov di Mosca e Tor Vergata di Roma, aperta a studenti di Corsi di Laurea o di Dottorato interessati ad approfondire le tematiche trattate nei seminari in programma. Gli studenti, frequentando con profitto la scuola, possono acquisire CFU (previo accordo col consiglio dei loro corsi di studi) e possono ricevere contributi per le spese affrontate. La deadline per la presentazione delle domande di partecipazione e' il 4 Aprile 2016.
Se condividi l'iniziativa, puoi per favore segnalare la nostra scuola nel modo che ritieni piu' opportuno presso gli studenti dei Corsi di Laurea e di Dottorato del tuo Dipartimento ? In allegato e di seguito trovi l'annuncio della scuola.
Con i piu' cordiali saluti
Carmine Di Fiore
Rome-Moscow School of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra 2016
August 20 - September 3, 2016, Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU), Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics; Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INM-RAS) of Moscow
September 4 September 18, 2016, University of Rome Tor Vergata (TV), Department of Mathematics
Supporters LMSU and TV universities, International Relations Offices, INdAM - GNCS INM-RAS of Moscow and Gruppo Analisi Numerica di Tor Vergata
Aim The main purpose of the School is to encourage the ideas exchange and the scientific collaborations between Italian and Russian universities and institutions, in the fields of matrix methods and applied linear algebra. The School offers to advanced undergraduate, masters and PhD students a long time for learning and thinking over scientific research topics, not limited to short courses and seminars, and the opportunity of entering in direct contact with people and institutions of excellence in the field. Attending the courses of the School is equivalent to acquire credits of extra-curriculum activity. The School is organized under an Agreement of didactic-scientific collaboration signed by the Rectors of Lomonosov and Tor Vergata Universities on September 2009, and renewed on September 2014.
Lecturers Lecturers of the mini-courses of the School will be mainly professors of TV, LMSU and INM-RAS. There will be also seminars held by professors of other academic and research institutions.
Applications Italian students should submit application to the e-mail address , Russian students to , and students from other countries to both, following the instructions in Advanced master and PhD students are encouraged to propose a communication on their research field, to be held in a special students session of the school. Estimated lodging expenses for each part of the school: about 200-250 euros. Estimated meal expenses (in university canteen) for each part of the school: 150-200 euros. Some modest funds for contributing to students expenses are available, also for students coming from universities neither of Rome nor of Moscow.
Deadline Applications should be preferably submitted within Monday, March 21, 2016, and not later than Monday, April 4, 2016.
Updated information on the school See
Rome, February 2016 The professors organizers of the School, Carmine Di Fiore and Eugene E. Tyrtyshnikov