Vi giro questo mail della Elsevier, con cui comunicano che per molte riviste l'accesso agli articoli e' diventato libero, dopo quattro anni dalla pubblicazione. Ho provato e sembra proprio cosi'. La campagna di boicottaggio sembra aver prodotto degli effetti...
-------------------------- Messaggio originale --------------------------- Oggetto: More than 155,000 articles made available to mathematics community Da: "Elsevier Mathematics" Data: Dom, 30 Settembre 2012 19:05 A: "" --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Dear Prof Buttazzo,
Following our previous letters in February and May this year, we would like to update you on the progress of several initiatives we mentioned, as well as inform you of some new initiatives we are undertaking with regards to our mathematics journals.
Free access to over 155,000 archived articles
We recognize how important archival material is for supporting advancements in mathematics research. That's why in April we opened up access to all articles, from 4 years after publication to 1995 for the primary mathematics journals. We are pleased to announce that we have now significantly expanded this program to offer free access to all available archived articles, back to Volume 1/Issue 1, for this set of journals.
More than 155,000 articles are now freely available to the mathematics community, via ScienceDirect, including: * Advances in Mathematics, established 1965, now over 3,500 articles freely available * Discrete Mathematics, established 1971, now over 9,900 articles freely available * Journal of Algebra, established 1964, now over 11,900 articles freely available * Topology and it Applications, established 1971, now over 4,000 articles freely available
For more information on this program and the titles included, please visit our information page at
Update on 2013 institutional prices
Earlier this year we indicated that we were striving to reach prices at or below US$11 per article (equivalent to 50-60 cents per normal typeset page on average), placing us below most university presses, some societies and all other commercial competitors. As the 2013 prices are now set, this has resulted in further price-decreases for several journals, including Journal of Number Theory, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A & B and Journal of Functional Analysis. For a complete overview of the 2013 institutional print prices of all mathematics journals, please visit the mathematics pricing page
We received feedback from librarians and members of the mathematics community that our Mathematics Subject Collection is beyond their means or exceeds their needs. In order to offer libraries and mathematics departments greater flexibility in purchasing options, we have established a new core collection of 16 highly used, highly regarded Elsevier journals. For the list of titles in the Mathematics Core Collection, please click here
Support for the mathematics community
As communicated in our previous open letter, it is our belief that a Scientific Council for Mathematics will be able to play an instrumental role in advising us on our mathematics journal program and on how we can best support the mathematics community going forward. They will also be closely involved in monitoring and reviewing the impact of the initiatives mentioned today and in our earlier communications. We are very pleased to announce that the Scientific Council is now in place and further details will be available on our website shortly.
In addition to our increased efforts to address concerns related to pricing and access, we continue to support and expand our initiatives supporting the mathematics community. For an extensive list, please see our support for the community page
We would like to highlight that a daily feed to MathSciNet has now been put into place of all newly published articles from our mathematics journals. This means that the bibliographic data is now available in MathSciNet within a week of publication. For several years, we have been financially supporting the development of the STIX fonts and MathJax and will continue to do so. Although not just of interest to the mathematics community, Elsevier, in collaboration with an independent panel of experts in research and publishing ethics, has established the Ethics in Research & Publication Program It offers young researchers advice on how to avoid misconduct and provides recommended reading and other resources about research and publication ethics.
We are proud of our rich tradition as a publisher of high-quality, peer-reviewed mathematics journals since 1960. We cherish our collaboration and relationships within the community and aim for our mathematics program to meet the needs of the mathematics community today and in the future. The Editors of our mathematics journals have been invaluable in providing us with their constructive feedback and we would like to thank them for their continued input and support. We would like to share with you some Editor's feedback on our recent initiatives
We value your continuing feedback about our program. We invite you to share your views with us at and please feel welcome to stop by the Elsevier booth at forthcoming mathematics conferences
Elena Griniari, Journal Publisher Mathematics and Statistics
Laura Schmidt, Journal Publisher Mathematics
Valerie Teng-Broug, Journal Publisher Mathematics
Laura Hassink, Senior Vice President, Physical Sciences
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