Trasmetto per conoscenza.
Ciao, Marco
Begin forwarded message:
Date: 12 dicembre 2014 11:38:09 CET From: Juergen Grahl To: Juergen Grahl Subject: Summer School on Normal Families and Conference on Complex Analysis May, 2015 - First Announcement
Dear Colleagues,
We wish to announce that there will be a summer school on
"Normal Families in Complex Analysis"
at the University of Wuerzburg, Germany, from
May 22nd till May 29th, 2015,
aiming at master students, PhD students, postdocs and anyone else interested in normal families. The main lectures will be given by
Walter Bergweiler (Kiel, Germany) and Aimo Hinkkanen (Urbana-Champaign, USA).
The registration fee will be 120 Euro. A limited amount of financial support will be available. The application deadline is April 1, 2015.
Subsequent to the summer school there will be a short conference on Complex Analysis, on Friday, May 29th and Saturday, May 30th 2015. If you wish to give a talk at this conference please send us an email with the title/abstract by April 1, 2015.
Further information, including a registration form can be found on the following web site:
It would be very helpful for us if you could pass on this message to your students, colleagues and to anyone else who might be interested.
Many thanks and best wishes,
Oliver Roth Stephan Ruscheweyh Jürgen Grahl Daniela Kraus
Marco Abate Tel: +39/050/2213.230 Dipartimento di Matematica Fax: +39/050/2210.678 Universita' di Pisa Largo Pontecorvo 5 E-mail: 56127 Pisa Italy Web: