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Begin forwarded message:
From: Unione Matematica Italiana
Date: 31 maggio 2012 08.56.20 GMT+02.00
Subject: Avviso ricerca post-doc
Caro Direttore,
ti sarei grato se volessi diffondere il seguente avviso fra i tuoi colleghi.
Grazie dell'attenzione
Giuseppe Anichini
COSBI is looking to recruit post-docs to work on
projects in the field of molecular nutrition that involve data/network
analysis and simulation:
- two motivated post-docs with interest in systems biology for analysis
of high-throughput datasets (essential skills: statistical analysis and
basic programming, possibly R; desirable: basic understanding of
molecular biology);
- one post-doc with interest in systems biology for network hybrid
simulation (essential skills: differential equations, Montecarlo
algorithms/Markov processes and programming; desirable: basic
understanding of molecular biology).
Please address CV directly to
Corrado Priami
Marco Abate Tel: +39/050/2213.230
Dipartimento di Matematica Fax: +39/050/2213.224
Universita' di Pisa
Largo Pontecorvo 5 E-mail:
56127 Pisa
Italy Web: