Cari Soci,
Credo che a molti di voi possano interessare le opportunita' offerte dal centro BCAMN di Bilbao.
L'ho visitato proprio in questi giorni e sono rimansto notevolmente impressionato. Chi desidera maggiori informazioni e' invitato a contattarmi.
Nicola Bellomo
BCAM: International call for researchers
BCAM, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (, is a Research Center whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research. With an international team of researchers, the scientific program is structured in several research areas covering various fields of Applied Mathematics. Moreover, BCAM is a host institution for several national and international research projects and also develops collaborative projects with Basque Industry.
BCAM has opened an International Call for Researchers, offering positions for Senior and Associate Researchers, Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD Students in all areas of Applied Mathematics. Specific positions are also available within the Research Project NUMERIWAVES "New Analytical and Numerical Methods in Wave Propagation", coordinated by E. Zuazua and funded by the ERC - European Research Council.
Applications must be submitted on-line at:
Deadline for submission: November 11th 2011
We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and potential candidates. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information
BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Bizkaia Technology Park, Building 500 E-48160 Derio - Basque Country - Spain Tel. +34 946 567 842
(matematika mugaz bestalde )
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BCAM: International call for researchers
BCAM, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (, is a Research Center whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research. With an international team of researchers, the scientific program is structured in several research areas covering various fields of Applied Mathematics. Moreover, BCAM is a host institution for several national and international research projects and also develops collaborative projects with Basque Industry.
BCAM has opened an Call for Researchers, offering positions for Senior and Associate Researchers, Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD Students in all areas of Applied Mathematics. Specific positions are also available within the Research Project NUMERIWAVES "New Analytical and Numerical Methods in Wave Propagation", coordinated by E. Zuazua and funded by the ERC - European Research Council.
Applications must be submitted on-line at:
Deadline for submission: November 11th 2011
We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and potential candidates. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information
BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Bizkaia Technology Park, Building 500 E-48160 Derio - Basque Country - Spain Tel. +34 946 567 842
(matematika mugaz bestalde )
This message was sent to you since you form part of our database of BCAM. Please do not reply to this message unless you are unsubscribing. According to Spanish Legislation, you have the option of unsubscribing from BCAM distribution list.
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