Alberto Abbondandolo
Dear collegue,
We would like to inform you that from December 3 through December 7, 2007
the Centro De Giorgi in Pisa will host the worshop:
"Cooperative multi agent systems: Distributed computation, estimation and control".
Speakers will include
Jorge Cortes (UC Santa Cruz)
Emilio Frazzoli (MIT)
Hans-Andrea Loeliger (ETH Zurich)
Richard Murray (Caltech)
Devavrat Shah (MIT)
Paolo Tilli (Politecnico di Torino)
Eli Upfal (Brown University)
Martin Wainwright (UC Berkeley)
This workshop is mainly addressed to PhD students and young
researchers in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics
and Physics and it aims at presenting, in a self-contained way, the
most innovative and relevant mathematical models in the field of
multi-agent systems.
Participation is free but participants have to register at the
following web address
where detailed information on the programm can also be found.
We invite people to register as soon as possible for
logistic reasons (VERY IMPORTANT: in the registration page there is
the request for possible poster presentation or for delivering a
lecture: please ignore these two items, since there will be no
posters and all lectures will be by invitation only).
We would appreciate if you extend the invitation to participate to
your organization's internal e-mail distribution and any colleagues
who might be interested.
If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please reply (not 'to all' please!) to the
present email with REMOVE in the subject line.
Fabio Fagnani
Sandro Zampieri
Fabio Fagnani
Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
10126, TORINO, Italy
Email: fabio.fagnani@polito.it