Trasmetto per conoscenza.
Ciao, Marco
Begin forwarded message:
From: Raffaella Servadei Subject: School on Nonlinear Elliptic Problems (2nd announcement) Date: 17 dicembre 2013 16:25:49 CET To: Giovanni Molica Bisci, Simone Secchi
Dear colleagues,
here enclosed you can find the poster of the
School on Nonlinear Elliptic Problems,
to be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Milano 'Bicocca' on January 20-24, 2014.
There will be three courses held by Xavier Cabre'(ICREA and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona), Patrizia Pucci (Universita' di Perugia) and Susanna Terracini (Universita' di Torino).
PhD students, PostDocs and researchers of all ages are welcome to attend this school: for them there will be the possibility to give a talk. The deadline for the submission of a proposal is January 8, 2014.
For further information, see
We apologize for possible cross-posting.
Best regards, Giovanni Molica Bisci, Simone Secchi and Raffaella Servadei
Raffaella Servadei Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica Universita` della Calabria Ponte Pietro Bucci 31 B 87036 Arcavacata di Rende Cosenza (ITALY)
Tel. +39-0984-496279 Fax +39-0984-496410 E-mail: Web page: