When: 10-14 July
Where: University
of Trento
- Povo 1 building at polo F. Ferrari, Room A102
- Via Sommarive 5, 38123 Povo - Trento
The school will be held exclusively in presence
in Trento. In case of impediments due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, the school will run remotely on
the same dates.
Quantum Machine Learning is a rapidly emerging
research area where the power of quantum computing
is applied to machine learning tasks and represents
one of the most promising applications of
fault-tolerant quantum computers. Despite the large
number of recent achievements in this area, several
challenges are still present. Fundamental questions,
such as the effective uses of quantum algorithms and
the proof of quantum supremacy in this field, need
to be addressed. To this end, effective mathematical
techniques play a fundamental role.
The aim of the School is to present in an
accessible way to a wide audience the mathematical
theory underlying Quantum Machine Learning, through
three mini courses held by researchers active in
this field. Moreover, the School aims to provide an
opportunity for different communities to meet up,
fostering the interactions, allowing exchanges of
ideas and methods and contributing to the diffusion
of open problems.
- The School is meant mainly for master and
graduate students, but also for postdocs, young as
well as senior researchers interested in
approaching this blooming research field.
- The ideal participant has a good background in
Mathematics, Probability, Statistics or Data
Science. However the application is open to
- The course will be delivered in English.
- Registration fees
- Master and PhD students: 50euro
- Academics: 150euro
- Non academics: 200euro
- Registration includes coffee breaks and lunches.
Attendance is limited to 60 people.
Registration is compulsory. To register follow
this link
you will be asked some information about
yourself and standard documentation. To receive
full consideration please submit your
application no later than 1 June 2023.
- For further information, please contact
Giacomo De Palma is Associate Professor of
Mathematical Physics in the Department of
Mathematics of the University of Bologna (Italy). He
received his PhD from Scuola Normale Superiore
(Pisa, Italy). He was postdoc and Marie-Curie Fellow
at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), postdoc
at MIT (USA) and tenure-track Assistant Professor at
Scuola Normale Superiore. Giacomo De Palma's main
research interests are the mathematical aspects of
quantum information and quantum computing. His
current research aims to develop new quantum
algorithms for machine learning and to improve the
theoretical understanding of the capabilities of
quantum computers. To achieve these goals, he is
applying insights from a quantum generalization of
optimal mass transport that he has proposed. He has
published in peer-reviewed journals including
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Nature
Photonics, Physical Review Letters, PRX Quantum and
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and in
peer-reviewed proceedings including the proceedings
of the Conference on Neural Information Processing
Systems and of the International Conference on
Machine Learning.
Dario Trevisan was born in the Province of Venice,
Italy, in 1987. He received the M.S. degree in
mathematics from the University of Pisa, in 2011,
and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the Scuola
Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, in 2014. He is
currently Associate Professor at the University of
Pisa in Probability and Mathematical Statistics. His
current research focuses on applications of
Stochastic Analysis and Optimal Transportation to
Quantum Information Theory and Machine Learning. He
is co-author of more than 30 research articles. In
2021, he was awarded the Guido Fubini Prize for his
contributions to Probability in Analysis and
Mathematical Physics.
Leonardo Banchi is an Associate Professor of
Theoretical Physics of Matter at the Department of
Physics and Astronomy of the University of Florence
(Firenze). He received his PhD in Florence and
worked as a post-doc at ISI foundation (Torino),
University College London and Imperial College
London (UK). He also worked as a scientist in the
industry, at Xanadu Inc. (Toronto, Canada). Leonardo
Banchi's main research interests are quantum
algorithms for simulating many-body physics and
machine learning, quantum information and
communication theory. He currently works on formal
and theoretical aspects of quantum machine learning,
such as classifying the complexity of learning
quantum properties of physical objects directly from
data. He has published in several journals including
Nature (Reviews) Physics , Nature Computational
Science, Nature Communications, npj Quantum
Information, Quantum, PRX, PRX Quantum and Physical
Review Letters.
To be announced
In terms of accommodation in Trento during the time
of the summer school, you may want to consider: