Ph.D. Course Announcement - Dovetta Simone
Dear all,
this is to announce that, within the Ph.D. Program in Mathematical Models for Engineering, Electromagnetics and Nanosciences of the University La Sapienza, Dr. Simone Dovetta (Politecnico di Torino) will give a course on
Variational problems for nonlinear Schroedinger equations on metric graphs.
The course will be held on Zoom in May. The course will last 15 hours, divided in 6 lessons of 2 hours each and a final lesson of approx. 3 hours. The final schedule of the course will be arranged in agreement with those interested in attending the course. Attached to this message, please find a short description of the course with a (tentative) program.
Anyone interested in the course is kindly ask to contact Simone Dovetta at by March 20.
Best regards, Simone Dovetta