(Provisional schedule)

Tuesday,  September 9 -- Palazzo  Castelletto, Aula Dini

10.30-11.30: Alexandru Dimca (Nice)
"Characteristic varieties and logarithmic differential 1-forms"

11.30 -12: Coffe break

12.00 - 13.00: Oliver Baues (Karlsruhe)
"Virtually abelian Kähler and projective groups"

15.30 - 16.30: Ludmil Katzarkov (Miami)
"Homological Mirror Symmetry and braid factorizations: an approach"

16.30-17.00: Coffee break

17.00-18.00: Keiji Oguiso (Keio)
"Groups of bimeromorphic automorphisms of compact hyperkaehler manifolds"


Wednesday, September 10 -- Palazzo  Castelletto, Aula Dini

10.30 -11.30 Mario Salvetti (Pisa)
"The Morse complex of a line arrangement"
(joint work with Giovanni Gaiffi)

11.30-12.00: Coffee break

Eduard Looijenga (Utrecht)
"Fundamental groups of some moduli spaces that appear as quotients of braidlike groups"

15.30-16.30: Fritz Grunewald (Duesseldorf)
 "Quotients of products of curves and their fundamental groups"
(joint work with Ingrid Bauer- Fabrizio Catanese - Roberto Pignatelli)

16.30-17.00: Coffee break

17.00 -18.00: Eckart Viehweg (Essen)
"Variation of Hodge structures of weight one and  uniformization of subschemes of $\sA_g$"

Thursday, September 11  -- Dipartimento di Matematica, Aula Magna


10.30-11.30: Alex Lubotzky (Jerusalem)
"Counting arithmetic groups and arithmetic surfaces"

11.30-12.00 Coffee break

12.00-13.00:  Yujiro Kawamata (Tokyo)
(to be confirmed)

15.30 - 16.30: Fabrizio Catanese (Bayreuth)
"Local fundamental groups of complex surfaces (an extension of Mumford's theorem)"

16.30-17.00: Coffee break

17.00-18.00: Thomas Delzant (Strasbourg)
"Cohomological constraints on Kaehler groups"