Open questions concernings Hilbert's 17th Problem
for analytic curves
The Hilbert 17th Problem asks when a psd function is a sum of
squares, and of how many.
For real analytic curves this reduces to the local problem
for germs
at singular points. For those germs, the problem splits into the
consideration of their irreducible branches.
Now, irreducible curve
germs are classically discussed
using the semigroup of values: all
irreducible curves with fixed semigroup
form a "moduli" algebraic set in
some finite dimensional affine space.
There, Pythagoras numbers,
positive semidefinite germs, sum of squares
provide semialgebraic mappings
on and stratifications of the "moduli" set.
The understanding od these
semialgebraic data is a difficult matter that
has surprising connections
with classical concepts (for instance, Arf
curves and Pythagorean curves are
one and the same thing).