Inoltro avviso a me pervenuto
Cordiali saluti
Liviana Paoletti
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Avviso Colloquio De Giorgi prof. Yves Andre'

Colloquio De Giorgi


Martedì 22 Novembre 2011

ore 16.00


Scuola Normale Superiore


(Sala Stemmi)


Yves Andre'

Ecole Normale Supèrieure di Parigi.


Terrà un seminario dal titolo:


 “Galois theory beyond algebraic numbers and algebraic functions




Classical applications of Galois theory concern algebraic numbers and algebraic functions. Still, the night before his duel, Galois wrote that his last mathematical thoughts had been directed toward applying his "theory of ambiguity to transcendental functions and transcendental quantities". In this talk, we will outline some recent ideas and results in this direction.





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Classe di Scienze