lunedi' 19-06-2006 (11:00) - Sala riunioni
Irinel Dragan (Dept. of Mathematics, Univ.of Texas at Arlington, USA)

seminari congiunti col DIPART.MATEMATICA APPLICATA:

On the Semivalues and the Shapley value for cooperative transferable utility games


mercoledi' 28-06-2006 (11:00) - Sala delle riunioni
X.Q.Yang (Dept.of Applied Mathematics, Polythecnic University of Hong Kong.) :

seminari congiunti col DIPART.MATEMATICA APPLICATA:

Characterizing the Nonemptiness and Compactness of the Solution Set of a Vector Variational Inequality and Applications

Segreteria Didattica
Giulia Curciarello
tel- 050 2213219