Colloqui della Classe di Scienze - Anno Accademico 2020/2021Mercoledì 9 giugno 2021ore 15:00
Sylvia Serfaty(New-York University, New York, USA)terrà un seminario dal titolo
“Systems of points with Coulomb interactions”
Large ensembles of points with Coulomb interactions arise in various settings of condensed matter physics, classical and quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, random matrices and even approximation theory, and they give rise to a variety of questions pertaining to analysis, Partial Differential Equations and probability. We will first review these motivations, then present the ''mean-field'' derivation of effective models and equations describing the system at the macroscopic scale. We then explain how to analyze the next order behavior, giving information on the configurations at the microscopic level and connecting with crystallization questions, and finish with the description of the effect of temperature.Classe di ScienzeIl seminario si terrà in modalità telematica. link per collegarsi all'evento:Valeria GiulianiScuola Normale SuperioreServizio alla Didattica e Allievitel. 050 509260Piazza dei Cavalieri, 756126 PisaE-mail: valeria.giuliani@sns.itE-mail: