Il ciclo di seminari di Analisi Armonica, proseguirà


Giovedì 18 maggio alle ore 15.00 in aula Fermi


sul seguente argomento:


"Beurling dimension and wave packets of Cordoba and Fefferman"


Wojtek Czaja

Università di Vienna





We study wave packets $WP(\psi,M)$; that is, countable collections of  dilations, translations, and modulations of a single function $\psi $  in $L^2(\R)$. The parameters of these unitary actions form a discrete  subset $M $ of $R^+ x R x R$. We introduce analogues of the notion of  Beurling density, adapted to the geometry of discrete subsets of $R^+  x R x R$, and notions of lower and upper Beurling dimensions  associated with these densities. Our goal is to describe completeness  properties of wave packets via geometric properties of the sets of  their parameters. In particular, we show necessary conditions for $WP (\psi,M)$ to be a Bessel system, and we construct multiple examples  of non-standard wave packets with prescribed dimensions.






Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.




                                                                                                                          Segreteria della

                                                                           Classe di Scienze



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Michele Verde
Scuola Normale Superiore
Segreteria Classe di Scienze
Tel. 050-509048
Fax. 050-509045
Piazza Dei Cavalieri, 7
56126 Pisa
E-Mail: m.verde@sns.it
E-Mail: segreteria.scienze@sns.it
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