Prossimi seminari


Rigidity Results for Maximal Submanifolds in Pseudo-Hyperbolic Space - Enrico Trebeschi

Data: 2024-12-10 - ore: 14:30 - 15:30 - luogo: Aula Riunioni (Department of Mathematics)

Recent Advances Concerning the Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations - Edriss Titi

Data: 2024-12-10 - ore: 15:00 - 16:00 - luogo: Aula Magna (Department of Mathematics)

Irreducibility of Severi varieties on toric surfaces - Karl Christ

Data: 2024-12-11 - ore: 15:00 - 16:00 - luogo: Aula Seminari (Department of Mathematics)

Serrin-type results for ring-shaped domains in R^n - Chiara Bernardini

Data: 2024-12-12 - ore: 11:30 - 12:28 - luogo: Aula Riunioni (Department of Mathematics)

Derived limits in the Constructible Universe - Matteo Casarosa

Data: 2024-12-12 - ore: 12:25 - 13:24 - luogo: Aula Riunioni (Department of Mathematics)

Modellazione della crescita di tumori cerebrali e della deformazione dei ventricoli: un approccio numerico specifico per il paziente - Francesca Ballatore

Data: 2024-12-12 - ore: 16:30 - 17:30 - luogo: Aula Seminari (Department of Mathematics)

Prossime conferenze a Pisa


Workshop on geometric and regularity aspects of hypoelliptic PDEs

Date: 2024-12-10 — 2024-12-10 - luogo: Aula Magna (Department of Mathematics)

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