Gisbert Wuestholz
ETH Zuerich
“Newton, Leibnitz and
In LEMMA XXVIII of the Principia Newton gives a
statement about the transcendence of an area function related to the
movement of planets. The Lemma turned out to become a starting point of a long
discussion about whether the proof was correct. Huygens gave as a counterexample
the Bernoullian lemniscate. In this context Leibniz made a conjecture of values
of rational integrals on curves taken between two algebraic points on the curve,
as one would formulate it in modern terms.
We give a complete answer to this conjecture and it turns
out that such an integral can be algebraic in some cases and is transcendental
in other. Our work implies most of the classical transcendence results.
Giovedì 3 settembre 2009
ore 16.00
Sala degli Stemmi
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7