ore: 10:00:00, sala Seminari Yuli Eidelman della School of Mathematical Sciences Tel-Aviv
University,: The class of quasiseparable matrices (joint work with
Israel Gohberg). |
ore: 14:30:00, Centro De Giorgi: Giuseppe Buttazzo: Tre problemi di ottimizzazione in teoria del
trasporto We give a model for the deion of an urban transportation
network and we consider the related optimization problem which consists in
finding the desing of the network which has the best transportation
performances. This will be done by introducing, 19 febbraio 2004 | |||
ore: 15:30:00, sala Seminari Giorgio Dalzotto: Massimo comune divisore e fattorizzazione in
anelli quoziente U.F.D
25 febbraio 2004