Il seminario di Analisi armonica di questa settimana non avrà luogo.
 Il prossimo seminario si terrà mercoledi 7 dicembre (in luogo di giovedi 8), in aula Tonelli alle ore 11.00 sul seguente argomento:

Spectral pinching in positive curvature

Jerome Bertrand
Scuola Normale Superiore

The n+1 first eigenfunctions of the Laplace
operator on the canonical sphere (where n is the
dimension) allow to make an isometric embedding F
of this sphere into the Euclidean space. This
property is stable in the following sense. One
can show that on every compact Riemannian
manifold with positive Ricci curvature and whose
the beginning of the spectrum is close to the one
of the canonical sphere, the map F is almost an
isometry (i.e. a Gromov-Hausdorff approximation).
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
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